Saturday, March 24, 2007

Are you worried about spam in your precious gmail account ?

If yes,then you would like to consider making aliases of your gmail idto use when you're not sure whether you're signing up for something safe or not.It is a very simple task to provide an alias of your gmail id.Whenever you sign up on the internet on some site that you think may not be safe(or a site which might send you spam),all you have to do is give out the email address as

For example if your email id is you can provide or .

You can put anything after the + and all email sent will still go to your gmail account.In the event that you did give your email to a spammer and you start receiving spam,
don't worry!
Just create a filter, and make everything that is sent to
go to the trash.
This way all the spam that you might get will automatically be deleted.

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